Lector universitar Dr. Marschalkó Eszter Enikő

Email: eszter.marschalko@ubbcluj.ro

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I obtained my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology at Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca between 2002 and 2007. I also completed my doctoral and postdoctoral studies here. My first research area, as a psychology student, was memory (eyewitness memory, the effect of a suggestion or situational analogy on memory), and later I was involved in the study of the psychological context of academic performance and learning self-regulation (in my doctoral and postdoctoral studies). My PhD thesis was entitled „Academic Performance in Higher Education: Facilitators, Risk Factors, and Intervention Possibilities.” Post-2018, my experiences and training have led me to a new research interest focusing on exploring the relationship between optimal ageing, personality, and self-regulation. This new research project draws inspiration from geronto- psychology and adult developmental sciences. I aim to explore the biological, psychological, and social factors that determine optimal ageing and adult development in Romania. These factors determine the life course of individuals and have a significant impact on their well-being and healthy aging. Of particular interest are emotional self-control and regulation, adult identity development, generational identity and diversity, personality-related risk factors (such as neuroticism, loneliness, and hostility), and protective factors (such as self-control). My research takes into account both individual and institutional perspectives. In the institutional context, for example, I also focus on toxic features of the workplace climate (organizational climate). During my career, I have worked in a number of organizations, and therefore, I originally specialized in the fields of work and organizational psychology. In recent years, an increased personal desire for knowledge of clinical aspects has led me to further my formation in clinical psychology. Since 2008, I have also been working in private practice within Ergo Human Resources. In my professional career, I balance teaching, research, and private practice roles. As a lecturer, I constantly strive to develop and keep up-to-date with the latest knowledge. My academic research strengthens my practice and the basis of my learning.